
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Terror By Night

Hey Folks I am back! Yeah you missed me. Oh, don't be bashful. First off, thank you so many of you for the birthday wishes yesterday. It was very uplifting and kind of put a spring in my step. So today we do NOT have the following: Women in Prison, Rape Revenge, Monsters devouring everything in sight. Nope, today we are going a bit old school and look in the far past of the 1946. Back to a time of revival for England's Greatest Detective of Victorian Era brought to the then modern 20th century. This is Terror By Night.

Hapless and helpless or Femme Fatale?

With a matter of great importance, Holmes (Basil Rathbone of The Adventures of Robin Hood, Romeo and Juliet, The Pursuit to Algiers, Sherlock Holmes Faces Death, Tales of Terror and Queen of Blood) has been contracted by Roland Carstairs (Geoffrey Steele of Love Letters, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Terror by Night, Marigold, My Fair Lady, Doctor Dolittle and Funny Girl) to guard the safe passage of a substantial diamond, The Star of Rhodesia belonging to Carstairs' mother the Lady Margret. The idea of having the famous Holmes and Watson as a deterrent to stealing it would present a bit of security.

Or so one would think. This one constantly thinks. Perhaps too damn much. Moving on, our diamond has to be transported via train from London to Edinburgh. With a stroke of genius, Holmes swaps the diamond for a convincing fake to better insure the true diamond's safety. With real diamond in hand, Holmes pays close attention to all aboard the train, every minute detail will not escape this keen mind.

A quick side note. Really loathed Nigel Bruce's portrayal of Watson. They make him this babbling ninny that couldn't see through Holmes' disguises EVEN THOUGH he has known the man for ages. Coupled with the fact his is a licensed physician, would require a fair amount of mental and physical memory, now add he has managed many a forensic staple and well this butter head routine is demeaning to the character. Watson may not be Holmes equal in the same levels of thinking but by no means, a moron.

I say, porter. Watson is locked the water closet again.

Back to the film, set aboard this speeding train, you can get an almost claustrophobic vibe as the journey continues as a murder is well on its way. Seriously, if you knew Holmes you would just stay away. You are either wrongfully accused, the murderer or the victim. All in all, a crappy day awaits you. With the murder of Roland and the fake diamond missing, Holmes with the aid of Inspector Lestrade (Dennis Hoey of The Pearl of Death, National Velvet, Kitty, Tarzan and the Leopard Woman, Terror by Night, She-Wolf of London, Annan and the King of Siam and The Crimson Key) and Watson they must investigate and question every potential suspect of their fellow passengers before the train makes it to Scotland to hide among the moors. Or something to that effect. Oh right, Lestrade won't be able to arrest them if they are out of his jurisdiction. With several red herrings in the works, it will be difficult to dicpher who is lying, for what reason and why is almost everyone on this train so damn touchy.

But who could ultimately be the murderer/jewel thief? Who is to blame? Will Watson stop blithering?

This Universal Pictures duo has starred over 13 Sherlock films, did 220 radio show episodes for NBC and through Mutual Broadcasting System, these shows were broadcast during the front lines overseas during World War II through the Armed Forces Radio Service.

Rathbone felt the while the character gave him fame and recognition, he was tired of portraying Holmes as often as he did and was afraid of being typecast as his childhood hero.

Understandable. I loved Spidey, Batman and Dr. Who but I wouldn't want to have figure in the ridiculous physical and mental shape of any of these heroes. My mimicry is decent but I cannot image the workout regiment to pull some of that off.

Aside from the murder, the pudding was excellent.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Stan Against Evil Season 1

We be back! So today thought it be wise to point out today's TV series that NO ONE told me about. Yes I am slightly bitter of this. Our series is created by comedian/writer Dana Gould (The Simpsons, Sout Mates, Dana Gould: Let Me Put My Thoughts in You, Dana Gould: I Know It's Wrong, Laugh Factory and Stan Against Evil) along with Independent Film Channel making this; a TV series and it is batshit crazy but in a good way. With plenty of drama, dark humor and horrific gore to the likes of The Evil Dead. This is Stan Against Evil.

There's a happy camper.

It has been a trying time for Sheriff Stanley Miller (John C. McGinley of Point Break, Highlander 2: The Quickening, Se7en, The Rock, Scrubs,42, Ground Floor, Benched and Stan Against Evil). With his wife dying in the middle of the night, a creepy old lady making moon eyes at him and a violent fight at the funeral making him give up his career of 28 years. 

Retired and living at home with his spacey daughter Denise (Deborah Baker Jr. Of The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest, Somebody Marry Me, Suburgatory, The UCB Show, The Great Indoors and Everyone is Doing Great), strange happenings seem to crop up in buckets. It appears the town is cursed and no Crazy Ralph of Friday the 13th to warn how doomed they are.

Ew Spidey went premature...again.

Oh wait a moment, we do have a filthy hobo by the name of Ray Taft (Don Stallings of Delgo, Savage, Game of Silence, Dinner and Superstition and Bobbi & Gill) hapless soothesayer and believer in the occult as he screams about the Constable Thaddus Eckles that brought down this curse oh so long ago. Newly appointed Sheriffy Evie Barret (Janet Varney of Catwoman, Drillbit Taylor, Neil's Puppet Dreams, The Legend of Korra, Fortune Rookie, Take My Wife and Stan Against Evil) has been informed that every Constable for 400 years dies suddenly...except Stan. Even her skeevy perv of a deputy Leon (Nate Mooney of Elizabethtown, Charlotte's Web, Push, One for the Money, American Odyssey, Wilson and Girlfriend's Day) can't explain why Stan is alive.

More supernatural shenanigans are at afoot and the sheriff finds herself needing Stan's help and let's be clear, Stan is a dick. Has to be right, doesn't allow for weakness and cannot show any semblance of feelings. Because...crotchety.

That's some pig!

Being blissfully unaware that of the evil that roams this town, Stan's wife has been fighting it for decades without Stan or Denise's knowledge. With her gone, does this mean the end of the tranquility?

Can Evie fight this madness of a curse? Will Stan aid her without being a dick?

With the darkness of Supernatural, combined with the same warped humor of The Evil Dead series, this show has amazing effects, Stan is barely phased by monsters and witches trying to assault him, deeming it a bunch of phooey. The arrogance of this character has endeared him to my heart.

The dynamic of the cast is a great blend and this writing is so solid, I haven't been able to skip an episode. That's a good thing capturing my attention. These half hour shows were only 8 episodes so yes you can binge watch them rather easily. That being said, I found them to be entertaining, amusing, clever and deviant in the most hilarious of ways.

I plan on watching Season 2 and seeing if it can live up to the ground work that has been laid out. I have a feeling I won't be disappointed. So yes I do recommend this to those folks that need a bit of gore, humor and a twisted look on life.

Old timey vengeance is upon you!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Hey gang. Back again. So my interview with Christine Nguyen was a great success, she was a total sweetheart and again I had fun chatting.   So I am going over my various write-ups to find I haven't tackled a franchise that hails as far back as 1987. It's odd. I have referenced it, done a review on a spin-off created, hell I managed to sit through the horrific animated cartoon but never the original source material. So let's head away to a dystopia Detroit with one of the first cyberpunk stories since Blade Runner. This is Robocop.

Gun pulls a bit to the right.

In the not too distant future...where have I heard that before?  Anyway, Omni Consumer Products, a corporation has purchased the city of Detroit and will demolish neighborhoods to make for building Delta City. The crime rates are at an all-time high and something has to be done. Vice President Dick Jones (Ronny Cox of Deliverance, Beverly Hills Cop, Total Recall, Spawn, Stargate SG-1, The Agency and The Starter Wife) alongside Security Concepts brings the ED-209, an urban pacification droid that...has a few glitches. Mass production, 20 years of parts and labor and would put Jones higher up the food chain.
Junior VP Bob Morton (Miguel Ferrer of DeepStar Six, Miami Vice, Twin Peaks, Another Stakeout, The Stand, Superman: The Animated Series, Jackie Chan Adventures, Crossing Jordan and Young Justice) jumped at this chance and pushed his Robocop project. A cybernetic construct of man and machine to create the perfect police officer. Now all they need is a volunteer.

Officer Alex Murphy (Peter Weller of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, Robocop, A Killing Affair, Naked Lunch,The New Age, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Part 1 and Part 2) is just transferred to the worst district in Detroit and is teamed up with Officer Lewis (Nancy Allen of Home Movies, Dressed to Kill, The Buddy System, Blow Out, Robocop, Poltergiest III, Acting on Impulse, The Patriots and My Apocalypse) are teamed up and dealing with a heist.

Topher Grace gets a little annoying.

Leader of said bloodthirsty and money hungry gang, is Red Forman??!!! I mean Clarence Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith of Robocop, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, The Zeta Project, That '70s Show, Broken Arrow, Medium, 24 and Hitchcock) were drug dealers, thieves and cop killers. So yeah Murphy and Lewis need to take this seriously. Everything goes pear shaped, Lewis gets knocked out and Murphy gets shredded by shotguns.

With a finite amount of time on life support, looks like we got a volunteer. Morton proves worth his salt (GET IT??!!) and his crew go to work rebuilding Murphy into the first Crime Prevention Unit. With his family unaware of this, they live with the loss of their husband and father and must move on.

As Robocop, he is prepared to taking out drug dealers, prevent murders and rape with ruthless efficiency.  Running into one of the gang that took his life making his prime directives and human memories having conflict.   Can Murphy figure out who he is?  Will he avenge himself all the while carry out the law?

A combination of cyberpunk, 80s corporate greed and commercial and action of gore. This movie now deemed an example of classic Sci-Fi action. Highly quotable lines and plenty of references made from it. We have TV personalities such as the up to date news anchors and the ridiculous game show host Bixby Synder, who would buy that for a dollar.   Cheesy commercials for current American vehicles, the SUX.  Guessing it's a gas guzzler.

This movie spawned two sequels, a live-action TV series, a mini-series called Prime Directives and two cartoons and the 2014 remake. More merchandise ranging from toys, models, T-shirts and other such memorabilia.

Hell, Robocop had a modern era appearance in WCW wrestling. With this much marketing around one character is similar to the likes of Batman and Spider-Man. At one point Marvel Comics made a comic book of it but could not manage the level of violence. So with that in mind, Dark Horse Comics took over the title and brought it's fair share of mini-series and crossovers.

There's that pigeon that crapped on me. You're going down!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

An Interview of Christine Nguyen

So today we have another interview. Our lady of the hour is an actress, model, spokesperson and sports enthusiast. Involved in various charities and organizations, she may actually get time to herself. I found her to be positively captivating and very fun to talk to. This is Christine Nguyen.

Guys! I think we need some ibuprofen!

RRR: So I absolutely loved Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre. Your girl was no nonsense and kind of a badass. I am fairly versed with Jim Wynorski's body of work as well as Fred Olen Ray’s. I was just curious, what makes you want to partake in these projects?

CN: Jim Wynorski and Fred Olen Ray do write a lot of sexy stuff, but their movies are a lot of fun to shoot because the storylines are campy and comedic and being that they played all the time on HBO, Showtime and Cinemax, they really helped to put me on the map. People like to refer to this genre of entertainment as softcore but I call it erotica. Why do I go for these types of roles? Simple… I am a working actress. The genre is not one that bothers me because the act of lovemaking is a natural one to act out. Key factor here… acting. Just as when you watch an action movie and a sniper shoots someone, it is not really happening, get it… acting.

RRR: We made contact because of Super Ninja Bikini Babes and I had a blast reviewing it and you seem to think I did a decent enough write up. What was appealing about that role? Did you enjoy manga, comics and anime?

CN: I watched anime all through college, so I was ecstatic to be able to work on this.. Fred Olen Ray wrote some parts for me because he seemed to like my work and my comedic timing, for which I will always be grateful.

RRR: What is it like to work with porn actors?

CN: They are, for the most part, ideal to work with for erotica because of the obvious reasons. In the beginning, it was difficult to get actors to sign onto these projects because they were worried about nudity or sexually related content. Funny, once they realized that these aired continuously on tv, sometimes even primetime and not just late at night, many changed their minds. The advent of shows like True Blood and Game of Thrones also probably helped changed the minds of many who before couldn’t see themselves in these roles. But, it all comes down to money though in the end. The more money you have for a production, the more time you can spend on the script and cinematography. We work on very limited budgets for erotica and that is one of the main reasons why there are so many, we call them “love scenes” in the shows. It’s a formula to fill airtime. Five or six love scenes at 3-5 minutes each (I can’t remember the exact length they need to be) can fill up airtime that otherwise would be quite costly to shoot and develop with a more in depth script.

Mummy and mister?


RRR: So clearly you model and I was wondering which came first, acting or modeling; or was it a natural progression of both?

CN: I started theater in middle school, loved it and kept pursuing it up until I went to college at UT in Austin. My parents wanted me to focus on school. I started modeling because a random photographer took my picture while I was walking through campus my freshman year and sent it to an agent in town that ended up signing me. The first thing I booked was a McDonald's commercial and then I did some commercial modeling, catalogues, editorials, etc. My parents really didn't want me to make a career of it, so I went to law school.
While I was in law school, Playboy got my picture somehow for a show they were doing called Sexy Girls Next Door. Girls sent their videos in to see if they could be the next Playboy model. When the producer got a hold of me for this, I told them I was in law school and didn't have time to make a video; but they said they had already chosen me to be one of the girls on the show so don’t worry about the video, they’d make one for me if I would come to LA to shoot the show. After a few weeks of persuasion, I finally decided to take a week off from school (without my parents knowing) and go to LA. I thought it would be an exciting adventure. Long story short, I won the contest and did the photoshoot. Then the West Coast casting director, Linda Kenny asked me if I would like to be in a couple of their books (what they call the other Playboy magazines they put out like Exotic Beauties and Nudes) and I said sure so they extended my stay to shoot with Kim Mizuno for those. While I was in LA, the performing bug grabbed me again and that was that. I finished my year of law school and moved to LA where I hooked up with Playboy again and started working on The Weekend Flash, Totally Busted and a slew of other Playboy shows for their channel, and at the same time booking more commercial mainstream work.

RRR: Let's talk a bit about Vigilante Diaries. This was an awesome take on the superhero genre. But really felt like The Losers and The Expendables at the same time. Still decent storyline and action, but dammit they didn't give you any guns, knives or let you fight for or against Michael Jai White.

CN: Hehe.., yeah, that would have been nice. My character was brought back from the webseries so maybe it might not have fit so well if they did. Vigilante Diaries, starring Jason Mewes (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, The Night Crew, The Last House and Halloweed) started as a webseries for Crackle, a subsidiary of Sony. The webseries did exactly what all webseries hope to accomplish and got them funding to make a feature. Like all actors, I hyped up it up on social media that I would be in it, but folks were a bit bummed I didn't have a bigger part. Again, we work with what we get. Christian Sesma, the director of Vigilante Diaries did offer me a juicier role in another one of his movies, The Night Crew, but I had already signed on for a lead role in Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre so I wasn’t able to take it. These are the times when I wish I could clone myself. It kills me to pass up opportunities.

RRR: Still would have been cool seeing you strapped with an AK, shooting up guys. Just a thought.

CN: You and me both! Well you can in my latest movie, Girls, Guns and Blood. My character is really badass in that.

RRR: I managed to find the episodes of TV you’ve been in: Dexter, CSI: Criminal Scene Investigation, House of Lies. So I am guessing you are a "go to girl" for loads of these kind of TV shows. Why do you suppose that is?

CN: Yeah, I think I’ve played a stripper or “bikini girl” for almost every network and major cable show there is out there. Work is work. When you start your career with Playboy, it’s hard not to get typecast.

RRR: I have found more than a few softcore films that seems to be humor and/horror based. You look like you are having fun. I also noticed you were in Bitch Slap with America Olivio and my brain just fell in the gutter.

CN: Hehehe… cute.

There will be probing.


RRR: So you have some new projects that are in the works. What are those and can you give any details without too many spoilers? We don't want you to get into trouble. Maybe we can some dates when these are coming out.

CN: Yes, I have a dark humor, grindhouse film called Girls, Guns and Blood coming out shortly, a sci-fi/horror series, The Cottages that is in production right now and I’m also co-producing, writing and hosting a sports talk show, Nguyenning Picks for YouTube that I am trying to work with some investors in Atlanta on getting picked up for a cable series, so cross your fingers! One of my passions is sports because I admire the dedication athletes have for their craft.

RRR: Looks like you have worked with a lot of different stars. Is there any one male or female you really liked working with and would you want to do future jobs with them?

CN: Director-wise, I would love to work with Todd Phillips again. His brilliant, warped sense of humor is inline with mine. Bradley Cooper was great to work with and just an all-around genuinely nice guy. I kinda quietly geeked out when I got to work with Barbra Streisand and Robert De Niro.

RRR: So this is you then? This is what you do.

CN: Yup, I'm a working actress and I just want to perform because that is my passion. I didn't ever want to be a star. I started in theater and just want to entertain people. B Movies have been good to me, I have done TV and other films and I love what I do. At the end of the day I am about the work, being funny and having a hell of a time doing all of it.

RRR: What do you recommend the mindset be for people looking to get into acting? What is the most important message you can get across?

CN: I would say don't do it unless you like to perform. Don't do it for the money, it may not happen, don't do it for fame, it may not happen. But if you have the passion, you need to stick out, have fun and enjoy this career.

RRR: Well gang, Ms, Nguyen was fun, warm and genuinely a wonderful conversationalist. Here at Rotten Reelz Reviews, I wish you good fortune and cannot wait to see the next big thing that you totally crush and smile while doing it.

CN: Thank you so much, Jake. It was an absolute pleasure. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. Much love to all your Rotten Reels Review fans!

A gaggle of girls in the woods.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Hey folks. Back again and hopefully dealing better with headaches. I thought we would look at some more Stuart Gordon (Re-animator, From Beyond, Castle Freak, Fortress) and the sheer bizarrity of today's movie. This time around he is producing the cinematic opus rather than writing and directing. The infamy based around the film, is based on the 1977 film Death Bed: The Bed That Eats but hopefully is better. This is Deathbed.

You fart one more time, Jerry.  I swear I'll slice it off.

The director helping our flick is one Danny Draven (I, Vampire, Horrorvision, Aliens Gone Wild, Hell Asylum, Cryptz, Dark Walker and Ghost Month) who can establish it can't rain all the time. No wait, that's Eric Draven. Apologies. Our film is in the setting of a red brick apartment with an amazing view of the Hollywood sign and ambient lighting.

Our young and naive couple Karen (Tanya Dempsey of Shrieker, Dead 7, Witchhouse 3: Demon Fire, The Coven, Demon's Kiss, Hell Asylum, Flash!, Guardian of the Realm and Timeline)and Jerry (Brave Matthews of Visions, Birth Rite, Cake: A Wedding Story, A Song for the Dead and Starf*cker) decide to check move in and all is well with them, their relationship and current abode until... dun dun dun! Karen hears screams, pleas for help coming out a nook or attic. Unlike typical horror characters, she actually calls for help but in the form of the landlord. Lady, 911.

Landlord/former Vietnam Vet Art (Joe Estevez of Terminal Exposure, Soultaker, Werewolf, Fatal Pursuit, Rollergator, Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance and Fangs Vs.Spurs) pop the door to discover a vintage bed from the 1930s so naturally call "Dibs!" and so how that works. Naturally no woman is found, Art and Karen take it downstairs to clean it up and she wants to keep it. Um there was dried blood on the foot rest. Call me a prude but this thing doesn't look particularly safe.

Hellraiser remake or porn shoot?  You decide.

Jerry is at his photo shoot which given the amount of refracted light I think his client is Hustler. Recess light and natural lighting, dude. So Jerry gets back after a grueling few hours to Karen in her bra, thong and see through nightie. Hmm, pretty sure she has the evening planned. Holy God there were enough candles in there, lit to start a brush fire. It's a dry state, people. About an 8 minute sex scene that...kinda drags. Also really got tired of Jerry's albeit tone but very pale butt.

Karen starts having rape scenarios in her head, losing her mind as it were and her art projects of the bed are completely different from what she drew prior. So because of this Jerry and Karen agree she need therapy and some hypno-regression. Yup, Karen got bad touched as a child. What does this add to the story?   Not a damn thing.   Well thanks, movie.   Appreciate that.

Joe springs into action!!

Jerry was as sensitive as a sandpaper condom about Karen's repressed memory and we are treated to a girl with a pixie cut waiting to have Jerry. Well, the wife's away. I see nothing bad happening here.

Karen and Jerry both see the girl separate times and gasp! She's not alive and could possibly own the bed. Look, the original Deathbed: The Bed That Eats was not brilliant by any means but at least it was striving for a plot. Kinda. Somewhat. Okay not really but dammit it tried.

Karen goes to alert Art about her findings to found him somehow strangled to death with his tie. Annnd now your prints are all over the body, Karen. Smooth.

Our doofus duo decide it's time to leave but will they ever escape the bed's grasp?

Normally I try to give a fair shake and given how much I love Stuart Gordon's work I thought this production would be worth his time.   However, the pace is slow, there is not real action, the sex scenes are fairly vanilla and the acting comes off a bit wooden. With some decent FX, a few well timed jump scares and some gore for the climax, it isn't going to escape your attention that for the first hour NOTHING HAPPENS.

So if you need some tired horror tropes, a few cheap scares and splatter material, this is your movie. If you need characters, plot, a story arc or maybe even just motivation for the people being there, this very well may not be the film you're looking for.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have my interview with the very lovely and talented Christine Nguyen. Yeah branching out. I can't just watch schlock films for you all. That's what the YouTube channel is for.

Best Family Circus EVER!!!