
Monday, April 22, 2013

Douglas Sirk Week

Howdy all.  I thought we would step away from misogynistic staples of the girl being saved by the hero and the relentless slasher chasing after the jiggly girls and take a peek at some heart felt movies for a change.

LooOoOok into my eyes!!!!

Enter Douglas Sirk. This director was known for a more than a handful of melodramas that captured the imagination but in my opinion elevated the human spirit and the ideal that men should strive for to not simply wooing the lady but to better themselves.   That being said some of the film ideas are a bit far fetched and contextually silly in some parts but heck you can say the very same thing about Frank Capra's work.  So sit back and relax and maybe we will learn something about cinematography that does not involve gore gags.

Wow, what a novel concept.

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