
Thursday, June 13, 2013

N64 Week: Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Howdy gaming geeks and welcome back to Day 4 of N64 Week.   Given how many different first person shooter games have been established since the 1995 Castle Wolfenstein; I thought it best to focus on Lucasarts growing collection of third person shooter games.  Third person means you actually see your character interact around in his or her surroundings plus you also see the character his or herself. First person is just from the character’s POV.   At the time PC CD-Rom games were getting a wide variety in first and third person shooter but Lucasarts decided to expand its existing Star Wars franchise into new player heroes.  So strap on your blaster, keep your wits about you and brush up on your swoop bike skills.  This is Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire.

Trust me ladies!

Based on the novel written by Steve Perry (Shadow of the Empire: Evolution, MedStar I: Battle Surgeons, MedStar II: Jedi Healer and Death Star) this game like its same name titled book fell as a prequel between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.  
Our main protagonist Dash Rendar and his droid Leebo have arrived on Hoth prior to the battle and are dropping off supplies for a tidy sum.  After chatting up with Han Solo he convinces Solo to drop him in a Snowspeeder with Rogue Squadron to fight off the AT-ATs (All Terrain Armored Transport) and provide cover for the escaping ships.  

Ew, Wampa breeding pens.

As the rest of the ships are taking off the Snowstorm troopers have entered the base and have cut you off from your ship the Outrider.  You must get past a small army of storm troopers, a few Wampas and oh yes an AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) armed with turbo lasers that could blast through several feet of ice and concrete.  No sweat, right?
The game is done in true Lucasarts standard.  Treating the game over a series of interaction from Empire Strikes Back, Dash throws in his lot with the Rebels and tries to assist them in 10 different levels ranging over a period of months and chapters. 

Stinking sewers...not getting paid enough for this.

Now I think it is time for some handy hints and tips on this particular game.  
Invincibility and Infinite Ammo:  You know you love it, you know you want it and here is how to get it.  On the Hard setting of the game you need to get all the challenge points before the code works.   Then you hold the crouch button for 15 seconds on the first person levels and boom instant invulnerability and unlimited ammo.   Mind you, if you fall off a cliff or scaffolding you are still gonna die.
Infrared Vison: Seeing in different spectrums of light comes in handy.  Press on Control buttons, the L, R and Z at the same time.  Then while those buttons are pressed gently move the Control stick around until the screen turns green.  Technically this is Night Vision and you will see yourself and all enemies easily.

Defeat Wampas Easy Peasy:  Okay so you lack the Force, a lightsaber and a crusty puppet to cheer you on to your fledgling abilities so I too would be scared of a Wampa.  Lucky for you there are at least 4 on most of the Hoth levels.  They however are in cages to be released.  Why the rebels needed Wampas on standby?  Oh who has time for these questions?  Release them both and run like a bat out of Hell to the main door.  These critters will start wailing on each other.  Then you can pick off the battered winner with your blaster.   Pretty Machiavellian, wouldn't you say?

The levels vary from third person shooter, to racing down a swarm of swoop bike scumbags trying to kill Skywalker to outer space battles.  Your only real pain is adapting to the graphics of this older series.  The music is full orchestral and none of that synthesized crap from Rogue Squadron as it is also the first 3D incorporated game.  So if you miss a jet pack of less than controllable capabilities, blasters with explosive shells and heat seekers and heck a jump that doesn’t go higher than 3 feet then brothers and sisters welcome back to Shadows of the Empire!

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