
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

MST3K Week: The Brain That Wouldn't Die

Welcome back readers of the blog!!!  MST3K Week continues with the first appearance of Mike Nelson, the next goob that gets shanghaied off into space to the Satellite of Love and the bots are putting him through the rigors of bad movie marathons so he too can be quick with the quips, vicious with the verbal and callous with the comments.  So on with the episode of Season 5 Episode 13.   This is The Brain That Wouldn’t Die.

Nothing ominous here clearly.

Hey, c’mere…look at this spoiler…it just won’t die!

After the previous episode of Mitchell starring Joe Don Baker; Joel escapes the Satellite of Love in an escape capsule carefully hidden in a large crate of ham dingers.   Mike formerly a temp working for the Mads has been drafted to be the next test subject to this putrefying pile of celluloid that awaits him in the theater.   Being rebellious he doesn’t heed the Mads’ call to the view screen ASAP and Doctor Forrester realizes he shall enjoy breaking Mike’s mind and spirit.   The invention exchange begins with Mike’s creation of a umbrella with a gutter raining and spout.  The gutter bumbershoot is born!    Sharper Image is probably still fine tuning it.  Dr. F. develops an ultrasonic device purposely to emit frequencies to pop bratlings’ balloons.   No said name for it but my vote was for the sonic killjoy.  

She's just a head that can't say no! She's in a terrible fix..

Off to the theater you pixies you go!   Mike and the bots plunk down in the seats for a Joseph Green (The Brain That Wouldn’t Die, Day-Dream and The Perils of P.K.) directorial delight.   Our director apparently hung it up after these three wondrous moving pictures and rightfully so.

An operation is being performed on a patient that technically could be brain dead at this point. The lead surgeon throws in the towel and his son/ star pupil demands to experiment on the corpse bringing him miraculously back to life.   The young doctor is believed to be performing experimental surgery on human test subjects against the Hippocratic Oath and the advice of his father.  Those darn kids.

Off to the old family cabin for the weekend with his bride-to-be our suave surgeon butterfingers his driving, slams the car over the guard rail and for an encore, decapitates his fiancĂ©e.  Rushing her head to the cabin he manages to save her head in a pan using his restorative formula and her neck juices keep her alive whilst he is out on the prowl for a new body for the future Mrs. Giggles…I, uh mean Cortner.


After perusing several doxies he settles on a glamour model that has trust issues with men.  With a bit of coaxing, some drugged tea and evil intent the doctor woos the model into a coma like state and she is good to go on the chopping block.

Meanwhile head in the pan Jan discovers she is not the first of her fiancee’s horrible experimentation as she discovers a latent telepathic ability within her…well head and she contacts one of the less than successful creatures hidden in the basement.   

Havoc issues, the guys get a great chuckle and some of the host segments were downright hysterical.   As this is my 19th viewing of this episode I may be a little biased.

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