
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

British Fest in June!

Do you enjoy all things that hail from Great Britain??!!!  Do you marvel at British Television, movies, games and books?  Tea, steamed vegetables, lumpy gravy and possibly Yorkshire pudding??? 

Psst... avoid the pudding.

Well this June in Omaha Nebraska marks the first convention of British Fest!!!   A convention that praises Science Fiction, Scifi-Fantasy, adventure and classical fiction for all to savor.  From Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings to more obscure shows such as: Sapphire and Steel and Blake 7.  Enjoy panels on topics and subject ranging from 007 to Steampunk enthusiasm!

Ticket sales are available at Paypal even as I type this!  The entire weekend per person is only $30 buckaroos.  $15 for Friday, $20 for Saturday and lastly $10 for Sunday.  Bring the kids!

Americans could do with some culture and refinement.

Cosplayers will be gallivanting about in various costumes for your photo taking pleasure.   You may see multiple Doctors, a Dwarfer, Steampunks and heck maybe a hobbit or three.


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