
Monday, May 5, 2014

Part 2 Week!

Howdy readers of mine and welcome to the week!   I was thinking of something I felt was integral to Horror films.   Think back when the murders continue, the local law enforcement are dragging their feet or clueless to what is right and front of them and finally the monster/slasher is revealed.  It loses the momentum of the chase and the unconscious mind trying to figure who or what is slaughtering people left and right.  The moment a face, species or personification is attached to the killer you feel a bit let down unless it has such impact that you cannot help but shiver in terror when you think of it.   The box office does well with it, word of the street is nominal and the producers feel we landed a shark when fishing for swordfish.

FEAR ME... st stop laughing dammit.

So to capitalize on their new found glory, the inevitable demand for the continuation of the story goes up.   What if that was the first panning for gold strike you got and you cannot immediately find another vein?   The argument for sequels and furtherance may hinder or damage the existing material.   Keep in mind, the creator of the original may have never envisioned duration into the first place and now has to validate the mere possibility of this speculation of crossing his or her mind.  

Just keeping telling yourself it's only a sequel.

For example:  After the amazing, brutal and visceral creation that was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Tobe Hooper got a much larger budget to create part 2 but chose to make it campy and dark.  A complete 180 from the serious dread with gore gags, silly characters and a bizarre outlook.  Does that make it a bad sequel?  Not necessarily.   It could simply be that Hooper never saw this concept beyond a creepy tale that shocked and awed the audience.

With that in mind, we will take a look at epilogues that worked and conclusions that could have been skipped.  I hope we have fun, learn some film facts and in general feel we can close this week with the knowledge of what works and what didn't.

OMG my career is shot!! AGGGGHHHH!!!!

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