
Monday, June 16, 2014

Red Dwarf Favorites

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.  This week I can assure you we will NOT being reviewing anything of giallo or supernatural nasty because while I love Argento's work I need to be able to sleep at nights.   That being said I will be diving into the severely sprained minds of writers and creative team of Red Dwarf with Rob Grant and Doug Taylor (Spitting Image and Red Dwarf) and I thought I would share with you my favorite episodes.

You're not gonna rub my belly??!!!!

This goes without saying will bounce through several of the seasons.  With a 20 year hiatus with the promise of a movie that never saw fruition the mini-series of Back to Earth had hit or miss from the fans and breathing life into Season 10, the fans across the pond, around the states and frankly anyone with TV has heard, seen or caught a glance of Red Dwarf.

Whether you have hygiene issues that would unnerve a baboon, so anal retentive you could sharpen pencils with your bum, licked your clothes and took a session of naps or you really liked doing laundry, this show was for you.
That in mind, smeggers we now begin the Red Dwarf Favorites!

Did we scare it off?

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