
Monday, September 8, 2014

Werewolf Week

Hiya hiya hiya boys and girls and welcome the Week of the Lycanthrope....  Eh, sounds too corny.  Think we will just go with Werewolf Week.  This week I am just tackling unknown titles to see whether or not the shapeshifters are getting the same cinematic love as the various vampire incarnations.   We will just scrub our minds of the Twillight Saga and move on.

Yeah I peed on your Twillight DVDS... what of it?

This has been a lycanthrope grab bag at the suggestions of some of my readers and I thought it was high time we get back to the roots of this blog was based from.  For those that are coming in late I used to write for a review company and got stuck with the horror section because... I'm a guy and can tolerate blood caking the walls, entrails spewed about and it shouldn't phase me.  
Suffice to say I no longer work for said company and have been reviewing what I want each week.

 Yet there is a longing every so often I need to get back to the mainstream of horror and see what worked and what was complete and total dreck.  With that in mind, let's see if there are any decent werewolf films currently out there.  Otherwise we will just have to fall back on An American Werewolf in London and the Howling... again.

My Beefaroni breath gives me away everytime!

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