
Monday, October 13, 2014

George A. Romero Week

Welcome one and all, girls and boys of all ages step right up! No, I am not a barker foisting cheaply made stuffed animals but I am inviting you all to enjoy a week of the macabre as we take a look at the works of one of the masters of horror George A. Romero. Yes the man that redefined the term zombie for us with shambling, lurching ankle draggers with a naughty pension for human flesh, Romero brought about two major effects with his first movie Night of the Living Dead. One in 1968, he put a black man as the lead role and two, zombies went from chemically induced servitors to primal lead flesh eaters.

Damn you Prada for going on sale!

Some find his films to be too graphic and gory. Others find him to be obtuse or silly. You will have to come to your own conclusions folks but in the spirit of the impeding Halloween I thought it proper to have a filmmaker of fear at the ready. So let's try to enjoy the collection of terror he has mustered and see if we don't jump out of our seats or scream like children seeing a big bug.

Drip dry zombie wear: for all your river crossing needs.

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