
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Hey folks, just offering up a happy bloated, family gathering of turkey consumption of madness.  Normally when I do a movie/TV/video game still, people immediately get it but in this case I will walk you through it.  This hails from the paltry holiday themed horror movie Home Sweet Home, of which an insane lunatic escapes his mental hospital and makes his way to a cabin of Thanksgiving ongoing and proceeds to systematically wipe out the cast members.


Car trouble?

Oh wait, that was from Silent Night, Deadly Night.   Amusingly enough, the most known of the cast of the apt turkey of a film is bodybuilder and fitness guru Jake Steinfeld.   Yeah, The Body by Jake cat.  This however is not an official review as there is less snark, pithy comments and overall research panache.   Now, I am off to find a game the kids can play while everyone vegs in front of the TV during the games.

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