
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter to all!!!

Howdy folks. RottenReelzReviews here just offer yet another helping of Easter in the hopes that we all enjoy our weekend. A few updates thus far is there are podcasts in the works. Rotten Ramblin' On is delayed due to technical complications and scheduling. We will try our best to get them underway as well as another collusion with another fellow podcaster.  More details on that later on.

That being said, I would love some opinions, ideas and comments on what you would like to read in the future. Feel free give out a few thoughts, some concepts and suggestions.  Maybe a better taste of film.  More Film Noir.  Perhaps a collection of foreign films.   Whatever you can come up with to improve the working process of making this more entertaining.

Wishing you all a Happy Easter to you all and have the weekend!!!

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