
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Podcast #6 : B-Movie Madness

Hey gang!  I know, I know.  How dare I not have a blog up on Philip Marlowe.   Well I was busy recording a new podcast with my co-host Shawn.

The B in this movie is for Blade.  Gonna cut chu!!!

 I did my level best to clean up the sound but clearly we need to get him a mic stand because his "Snowball" mic (Insert Clerks jokes here) is not cutting the mustard or he needs it to be right up in his face for possible a stand for what would hold sheet music.   So it does sound a trifle rough on his part but all in all I think it came out well.

It is still a work in progress on our mic issues plus we are looking at some opening music as well as a host site so I don't have to keep deleting the previous podcasts and they will all be available.  Might have to do some Indiegogo pledge begging if you want to hear more Rotten Ramblin' On.

So feel free to enjoy and again NSWF and there is Adult Language

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