
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Welcome readers of Rotten Reelz Reviews! The year is at its end and we begin anew! I am hoping to continue producing more reviews that capture your attention but I need help from you all. Feel free to drop a line, comment or message on RottenReelzReviews or RottenReelz to give some suggestions for TV, video games and movies. I will forge ahead bringing the weeks ahead with something entertaining as always.

This is surprisingly good for my back.

Rotten Ramblin' On will endure to improve the topics as we have been. Thankfully we have decent mics to make the show clearer, we are leaving suggestions open for what you want to hear so give Shawn and I a heads up on what you feel is topical. Again we can be contacted at:Rotten Ramblin' On  and you can check out our Youtube page for the podcast itself at: Rotten Ramblin' On Podcast  so feel free to give it a listen, a like and some love by sharing it.

Merry Christmas to all and hope we have a good New Year!

Merry Christmas from Rotten Reelz Reviews and the Doctors!

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