
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Times be a changing...

Hey there folks and welcome back to the week. A few things to talk about. Due to a condition I would rather not elaborate on, I have become very worn down week after week so I will be cutting back on my blogs to about 2 to 3 a week. Might be less and I am sorry but I am just burnt. Between finishing a novella, a novel, plugging a previous book for a graphic artist and prepping it for e-book I am a bit knackered. Hence the slow down. Trying to get myself a wee bit more energetic and sleep at normal human hours to combat this.

This is the start up of a new year for Rotten Ramblin' On as well as we are now on Youtube! Yes, you can listen to Shawn and I and all our hijinks on said channel without interruption. I must warn you a few are difficult to make out as we still had the crappy mic. 11 through 14 is all new so hope it is to your liking. This is not the end of Rotten Reelz Reviews but there will be fewer entries at this time. During the meantime, GIVE US TOPICS!!! Seriously, both Rotten Reelz and Rotten Ramblin' can only be as good with input! NEED INPUT!!!

Throw us a bone, toss a comment, toss a cookie!   Just help us be more for the show.   That being said I am also trying to get a Patreon account for Rotten Ramblin' On to give us a leg up on equipment, some funds for Shawn and I and in general a bit of income for doing something we enjoy.


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