
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Paddy's!!!

Hey folks, just wanted to say Happy St. Patrick's day to all you out there.  Try to use the buddy system (Without Richard Dreyfuss or Wil Wheaton), drink responsibly and avoid all car accidents.

Rotten Reelz Reviews have been a little slow so I will see about putting up an e-mail account specifically for Rotten Reelz Reviews and you can drop comments, critiques, questions, requested films to review or just say hey.  Naturally you can get ahold of us on Rotten Reelz Reviews so just a thought.  

Rotten Ramblin' On is stuck on a topic for the week so sorry on that.  Hey!  Why not toss a suggestion or two to Shawn and myself at Rotten Ramblin' On via Facebook or even Rotten Ramblin' On and On so we can get all your question, bereavements, statements and snotty comments.  

And remember, if you pass a rainbow this fine day, AVOID IT or it will mean Warwick Davis will claw your eyes out for lookin' at his gold and possibly for eyein' his lemon drink.

Chilling, aren't I?

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