
Sunday, July 19, 2020


What's going on Readers of the Rotten? Yes this many posts must be confusing. Suffice to say the freelance writing work has picked up, so it has been less time to do the blog.
That being said, I have a request by director Nicolas Michael Jacobs (Night, Urban Fears, Tales from Six Feet Under) to give his short story a gander and I am just getting to this four days later. Very sorry for that, sir. We have a dark tale of passing of a man's son, some shifty criminals and a possible killer doll. This is Genevieve.

Gilbert Gottfried in drag??!!

We open with a couple that were arguing, following by yelling and a gunshot. So typical Tuesday for some portions of the country. A cackling man putting the finishing touches on what I can only describe as one of the most hideous dolls I have clapped my eyes on. Brad Douriff's Chucky would be projectile vomiting looking at her. Cut to Title card and eerie composure to set the mood. The being horror if that was somehow lost on anyone.

An empty house is being burglarized for the sake of the doll because somebody thinks it will be worth a fair amount of coin. Yeah I need it add it to my Satanic brickerbrack collection. Really ties the room together, placed next to my grimoire. One assumes there is a black market buy going down, otherwise it's a discreet auction on Etsy. David (actor/producer/director Nicholas Michael Jacobs of Puppet Master X:Axis Rising, Night, Urban Fears and Tales from Six Feet Under), our would-be second story man creeps his way into the house of one Ted Morris (Shawn C. Phillips of Camp Blood 4, Camp Blood 5, Grindsploitation, Killer Waves, Witchcraft 16: Hollywod Coven, Cannibal Cop, Urban Fears, Axegrinder 2 and Camp Blood 8: Revelations) while Ted is away attending the funeral of his son. Yup David is a classy guy. Though to be fair, I don't really know the proper etiquette to loot a grieving father. I'll write Miss Manners about that.

a text exposition.  Texposition!

With a scope around the house, it is clear that the doll isn't anywhere convenient to find it so that means down in the basement. Oh goody, let's go down into the dark and dismal basement. Nothing bad ever happens in a dank cellar. Henrietta will pop up and demand his soul any minute. David's partner was very laxed on details of the doll leaving it open to all sorts of thoughts and interpretation. With the help of some patented POV, we go down the stairs. Naturally my brain is waiting for a pair of hands to reach through the stairwell and pull David down or cause him to trip and break his neck.

We make our way to a locked metal door where Genevieve is supposed to be behind and LOCKED DOOR says it all there for me, folks. That means no reward is worth this. David apparently feels different and makes his way to the door, only to stop due to a giggle and some light foot steps. Yeah dude, that was your danger senses screaming, "Get the hell out now," but of course why listen to that?

What you have a quick little story of bad things happening to a bad person. One who would profit from another misery and getting just desserts. With some nice lighting technique, some creepy laughter and a simple story provided enough scares to get the point across. Cursed items, dolls, relics, books and weapons are not new ground I grant you but Jacobs manages to bring about enough eerie vibes to cause a few scares. I got to talk with him about editing so I can pick his brain and make my own material look better. This film is only about 5 minutes long so don't run off and pop popcorn to settle in. Just a brief example that Jacobs has horror wired.

Available on YouTube and Amazon Prime, so keep your eyes peeled. For previous work and future endeavors, try for your Indie Horror tastes.

Tiny Tina?

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