
Monday, June 3, 2013

Exploitation Week

Hello there yet again readers and it is time for a request of the week and I have put this off for bit given its name.  Exploitation.  Now to be clear we are not referring to the means of extortion or shady deal but rather the cashing in on a popular theme which is more commonly associated with B-Movies.  From anything to an all African American cast with some racy themes to the down and out biker anti-heroes, this particular concept has been promoted from action, horror, drama, science fiction and even some westerns.

Some are loosely referred as Cult Classics but frequently the term exploitation has themes of nudity, violence and racial derogatory content.   As I myself have viewed several of these films I can honestly say there is entertainment to be found in this sect of film as well as abysmal failures.   So let's explore this phenomenon together, shall we?

Speaking of exploitation...woo hoo.

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