
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

PSA Week: Boys Beware

Welcome back boys and girls and what say we dive right in with the horribly misnomers and misguided ideals in the warnings of pedophilia with the confusion of homosexuality.   What’s that?  You are both shocked and appalled that someone let alone a gathering of people could make such a blunder?  Well baby you ain’t read nothing yet.   So hike out your thumb, look nonthreatening and be alert.  This is Boys Beware.

Yikes Jimmy has Unfortunate Face Syndrome 

Whoa ho ho there Johnny.  That spoiler seems to be up to something.

Created and produced though the Sid Davis Productions, you know the fellow that also brought us the disturbing titles such as: The Dangerous Stranger, Girls Beware, Seduction of the Innocent and Too Tough to Care.    In most of these incidental shorts they do send a message that could put kids on the alert of that random stranger or maybe smoking as a child is not a smart idea but for our fun filled title card of Boys Beware old Sid didn’t bother to get his facts straight.  

Jeepers mister, where's my candy bar?

Little Jimmy didn’t know about that Ralph was sick.  Y’see Ralph is a homosexual.    Okay already I was cringing at this short but mustered through with it.   Apparently in the 1950’s equating homosexual men and child molesters was a common practice of profiling.   One that need be stricken from the record as NOT HOW TO HANDLE THESE SCENARIOS!!!    At 10 minutes and 13 seconds this horrible message points out how to avoid these men from their hairstyles and apparel.    Yes kids all gay men have this Ron Jeremy and John Holmes mustache as well sunglasses and bow ties.   Also if they have a TARDIS stay away as well. 

'Bout time for Hee Haw then the torture dungeon, Johnny.

Throughout the entire film being gay is depicted as a mental illness and I am stunned they didn’t point out how turning to Jesus would have set them on the right path.  Due to their minuscule budget you can see the same car in almost every scenario of which there are three.  I guess they couldn’t even borrow another vehicle for a few shots.   With the cooperation of Inglewood California Police Department and the Inglewood Unified School District this piece of tripe was created.  I just love how the conclusion that gay men are somehow inherently dangers to young boys and our little victim Jimmy claims he was taken to a hotel by one fellow was later arrested and then stuck on probation.  All this said to me was every kid that didn't want to do his schoolwork could easily blame his teacher for the same effect and sully the poor man’s name.

For those of you who are easily offended at this completely tapered view on anything deemed out of what is quote “Normal”, I would point out that simple studies illustrate that 75% of all pedophiles are straight Caucasian males.   Hmm missed that study did you, Sid?  As a straight male I was disgusted at this grossly inaccurate portrayal and blatant hate video.    The irony is the one predator that looked genuinely creepy cruising for young boys was our producer Sid Davis himself.    

Well son, I was raised Catholic so hence my attraction to boys.

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