
Monday, October 7, 2013

Tom Clancy Week

Howdy folks.  As most of you are already aware that on October 1st of this year Best-Selling author Tom Clancy passed away.  Being an avid fan of his work and enjoying several of his novels as well as the video game adaptations of his novels I thought it only fair to honor a man that has entertained many of us with clever characters and bizarre scenarios.

 Hey I love Jack Ryan but an analyst should not be getting a fraction of the trouble that he did. A desk jockey should not be right in the middle of firefights and international incidents.  Sam Fisher on the other hand, total hard ass.  I love the idea of a man in his 50's in peak physical condition that was battered over the years still doing counter intelligence and field work taking out men 20 to 30 years younger than him.

Look I don't care wither Greedo shot first or not!

So this week we observe several film adaptations of his novels and hope you all enjoy the action packed adventures.

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