
Monday, August 18, 2014

Anti-hero Week

Welcome faithful readers.  We have had a few losses this last week that were met and hope we can progress further.  This week we take a different look at Comic Book Heroes.

Don't mock the wig, it's paid for.

They walk the line that other heroes dare not.  They take risks and lives for the greater good.  Their saga is inked in blood and all their enemies are six feet under.  They are the heroes that are as close to the darkness they fight but they don't worry about their souls in the process, so long as their crusades are met.  This week is all about the anti-hero.   The classic definition states anti-heroes are the center character in a story, movie or drama that lacks the conventional heroic attributes.
To me, it has always meant the realist character without a code versus killing.  Men and women scarred both physically and mentally, beyond repair feel they will make certain there will be no more victims and the guilty are punished with a blade or bullet.   So join me as we find some gems and evade a few turds.

I am not gaining weight to play Volstagg!

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