
Monday, September 1, 2014

The Doctor's Greatest Adventures Week

Hello and welcome my tasteful readers and thank you again for joining me this week.  As was mentioned several months ago I stated I would get back to the iconic science fiction character of Doctor Who, "The Doctor".   I have decided to share a bit of my childhood with you gentle folk.  When I was a boy, the Iowa Public Broadcasting  made my Saturday night by giving me three whole hours of Science Fiction of Space: 1999, Blake 7 and 4 serial episodes of Doctor Who.

Silly humans, fiddling in technological marvels.

My eyes were open to a otherwise peaceful man that interfered with these creatures and species to stop their evil objectives.  Utilizing his advanced technological know how, a sonic screwdriver and encyclopedia like knowledge he confronted, thwarted and confused his enemies.  With that I am compiling my favorite collection of episodes throughout time and space... or you know, the series throughout 50 years.    From each of his incarnations offered adventure and death defying encounters with monsters and aliens.  It's up to the Doctor and his companions win the day and save countless planets and their civilizations.  With great pleasure I welcome you to The Doctor's Greatest Adventures.

Hmm, I think it is a reproduction.

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