
Monday, October 20, 2014

Linnea Quigley Week

Welcome and hello to the week. I would like to apologize for George A. Romero Week cut short by two movies. I had some sort of flu bug and well it was difficult to stay at the computer due to it and we shall leave it at that. This week I am cooking with gas and all is well so I do not anticipate any hiccups on the horizon.

Ow, you are on my toe.

This week is devoted to horror films of various degree and grade. Yes, we could have some foul odor that may never go away and perhaps some forgotten gems of the genre. Anything is possible in this write-up. I could be accosted by naked clowns wielding crossbows in the next couple of minutes, for example but again highly unlikely. This week focuses on an unusual career path that stuck within the Horror and Sci-fi dopples of film and never moved on.

Our subject has been called the Mama of the Macbre, the Harlot of the Horror Cons and America's Scream Queen. Interviewed for the book "Invasion of the B-Girls" by Jewel Shepard, our 5'2" titan of terror has been a good girl, bad girl, tart, bad ass and victim of circumstance and ranked #9 on Maxim's "Hottest Women of Horror Movies". She adheres to a strict vegan diet, does animal rights charities our lady of the week has written two books about her life in the B-movie industry, "Bio & Chainsaw" and "I'm Screaming as Fast as I Can". I speak of Linnea Quigley. Chances are, ladies if you are reading this and you are over the age of 30, your man has seen this girl nude more than a few times. It is with the Halloween season in full swing I bring you Linnea Quigley Week.


Fer sure!

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