
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!!!!

Hello there gentle readers.  I have not deserted anyone but I will be off for the holidays at my folks' humble abode.   I will resume writing next week and catch us up for TV, Movies and Video Games.  This upcoming year we are expecting some changes for Rotten Reelz Reviews.

Guess he was naughty.


My colleague Shawn and I will be starting our podcast Rotten Rambling On.    We will tackle many of the same things that is already written and we hope to entertain, inform and insight some feedback.

I would greatly appreciate input on films and TV that hasn't been covered yet.  Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion or complaint on the current standing and I will see about doing better.

Also feel free to chuck a like or comment at the FB page .  It needs some love and I am trying to get some attention to it.

Merry Christmas everyone and let's hope for a fun new year!!!

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