
Monday, August 13, 2018

Z Nation Season 3

Avast ye blog readers! I be Jake of the Rotten Reelz Reviews. Here I be tellin' ye a tale of...

Okay I have to just stop that now. It's gotten silly. So what's goin' on, folks? Well to be warned, this blog entry will contain spoilers from last season of Z Nation. Anyone not up on it and doesn't want their Seasons 1 and 2 ruined, then turn away. For the rest of you, on we go. When we last left our heroes, they had just passed Murphy off to the CDC lab aboard what looks to be a Los Angeles class submarine but I think it was closer to Virgina class.

 Be that as it may, the whole scenario went pear shaped with an explosion and Murphy nibbled some of the crew making them blended zombies and took 10k with him as well. This is Z Nation Season 3.

Looks like Midwest zombies to me.

We have a bit of a flashback as we get more info about the alleged zombie-free island known as Zona. Apparently these rich fat cats, captains of industry and some politicians left the USZ (United States of Zombie) to fend for themselves while they hid in luxury and comfort. Along with their ill-gotten gains, they have abducted an handful the last scientists that could benefit humanity for their own end.

Warren and crew end up captured by Republic of China commandos searching for Murphy to make serum from his blood. The lot throw in with the commandos in the hopes they can figure out what to do next. As if Blasters, Nukes, Plant Zombies, Speed Zombies weren't hell enough, a breed of humans known as Enders roaming about. 

 Make no mistake, folks. These cats are full on Reavers. Completely devoid of mercy, rational thought and possibly cannibalistic. Deep in sunny Southern California. Say aren't those my stomping grounds?

You did not just crop dust me. Oh, hell no.

10k appears to be in Murphy's clutches and he is trying to bring about a new world order of blended zombie humans which he can mentally control. Yes Murphy is officially a zombie master. Lording over a region of Spokane. His old stomping grounds made his new kingdom.

Can Warren and gang fight their way through the hordes and get Murphy back to the mission?

Well the SFX makeup still is just as good as any of Nicotero's crew in The Walking Dead. The stories are still captivating balancing the right amount of comedy with tragedy and dammit if we have need of exposition, it better be for a good reason.  Nice to be in a zompocalypse show not going on and on about what it was like in the day.

Plenty of guest stars to be found and surprises to be had. Stay tuned!

Ahh!!!  Commie Zombie!!!  A Combie!

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